Wednesday, April 3, 2013

40 Day Journey

40 day journey...

I came up with the idea to take myself on a 40 day journey when someone expressed his catholic religion to me and his preparation to give up smoking for lent. This man went on and on about how hard it was going to be for him. I loved his honesty and I understood his fear of failure. But what I couldn’t comprehend was why we go into some things thinking this way. Where was the motivational speech, or even better, where was the soul that knows everything is possible.
The day came when the ashes were placed on his forehead and he knew his smoking had to stop. I didn’t know this on day one, but there are better choice of words that we can always use, sometimes we find that out after the breath.

Here he is standing in front of me, ashes on his forehead and he was very nervous, yet proud, overwhelmed, yet excited. The first day of course is the easiest, but moving forward into day two and so on was extremely hard. I decided that I would spend 40 days writing about strangers, and the things we all have in common whether it be habits, fear, joy, etc.

The non smoker was the first person I wrote about, because by his day 3 which started my day 1, the pen shook. It was like my penmanship leaked the nervousness and frustration he held.

I felt as if I wasn’t on the same journey as him though, so I added more, I silently gave something up for 30 days along with my 40 day journey writing. I didn't think it was fair to this man if I didn't, nor was if fair to myself, to watch growth and not stem to be a part of it.

I am giddy enough to say that by day 4 I was a mess myself. Here we sat, two people nervous and dizzy because we are not in balance with what we are used to, the change structured us into believing we could not form.

By day 10 he had people asking him if he was still going without his cigarettes. I bet he wished he was more like me and had kept his journey private so he wouldn't have to face the strange stares from people while they asked him. Okay, really, who am I kidding, the mirror questions that stared back at me were just as hard.

I smiled when he spoke about his crave and his frustration because I wished I was like him with his outspoken nature.

As days turned into weeks I struggled through my 30 days. And I let the pen run wild through my 40 days. I met so many strangers who I became familiar with. Some days I posted the “Stranger writing” on my website and other days I wrote my thoughts in a journal. It was astonishing that no matter who I met or what they were going through somehow we were alike. And if we weren't then we became evenly comfortable with the differences; and that was also alike.

By week 3 I forgot that I was even on this journey, because habit had kicked in and I no longer had to remind myself “don’t do it”. I also no longer forced myself to communicate with strangers just to get a writing. It became a balanced flow. Also by week 3, the non smoker started to lose grip, or should I say he took grip of a cigarette. It wasn't announced and I noticed those of us who knew he had smoked didn't bother to ask him anymore, and he didn't volunteer any inhale or exhale.

Did he fail though? What is failure? If you ask me I really don’t think it exist. The Dictionary says it is a state of failing to do or perform, but he did it for a few days. So I just can’t seem to fit this word into my vocabulary to latch to anything. A half grown flower didn’t fail at growth, it grew didn’t it. A second place winner didn’t fail at winning. A graded paper with a D+ at the top, didn’t fail at completing.

By the end of my 30 day journey I was so excited, I had made it. On day 36, I started the habit again. Why was I still counting, because I knew I didn’t need it, didn’t want it, or had the ability to go without it? Did I fail or not? I obviously changed something within in me to make me aware of day 36 even though it should not have been counted.

So I ask again, what is failure? Did we both fail, or did neither of us?

If we don’t need it at a moment in time we wouldn’t have it or do it, but if that is all we know to do, then that is what we do, whether right or wrong. And in some strange way that makes me think it’s right, for me, for you, for whomever, at that time” ~VM

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