Monday, December 16, 2013

The Past Is Not Here

In the book "A Course In Miracles" it speaks about how if we are always thinking about the past and allowing the present moment to reflect the past, then we are in an illusion. Nothing is real. We may see a text message from someone and we are reminded of a past experience. We may hear words from a friend and it takes us back to a time when.

What if for the present moment, everything that you experience can be as if it has never happened before, because in fact it has not. That is when you live in the present moment and that is how love conquers over all else. Have you ever had an enemy speak to you and because you have labeled them enemy based off past experiences, how will you ever hear what they are saying in present moment? You will not, because everything that comes out of their mouth is in your mind "coming from an enemy". And when you hear the word enemy all of your guards go up, so you are not hearing their words as you should, without any past attachments.

Take some time today to be present. And let everything that is happening to you be happening for the first time, even if your mind says "this has happened to me before"

(c) since 2011 Ebony Larijani

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