Friday, October 25, 2013

It's Friday

It's Friday and there is always a racket of thunder roaring through the halls, the vibe of employee walks seems to be a bit more upbeat, is it the weekend plans, are we just thrilled to get away from the 9-5 land, at what point on the weekend do we dread returning again, who said we had to hate Mondays and love Fridays, what do the people love that work half days, what excites the mother that stays at home or the man who is teleworking from the comfort of his man cave, what is the thrill about good ole Fridays, I'm not quite thrilled at the moment, rather pissed that i woke up at 6am and i guess that Friday vibe hasn't hit me yet, cause I'm in that 8am zone of staring at the clock and wondering how long the tick will tock just to get me to 5pm, or wait i forgot today I'm leaving early, so maybe a thrill has shivered up my spine, arched my back and made my chair incline, you aught to know I'm not going to get anything done from this angle

(c) since 2011 Ebony Larijani

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