Saturday, June 23, 2012

Write A Letter To Your Disease

Dear Depression:
I use to hate you so much. You made me hide at times when I just wanted to shine. You have created so many negative thoughts that at times I believe to be true. You hold a spot in alot of my loved ones lives and I hated you for choosing our family.
I have learned how to deal with you better, but today I choose to love you. I am sure that with all of your sadness and negativity you could use some love. Maybe that's all you have been looking for through the generations of my family; is for one of us to love you instead of hate you or medicate you. I will be the first to say, "I love you".... ~me

Dear Writer:
I don't know how to say "I love you" but I do thank you for loving me. I  don't want to battle with you everyday as if we are enemies. I know nothing about love, so thank you for choosing to teach me. Everyone else just hated me or medicated me, and that caused me to lash out even more... ~depression

What ever your disease, or should I say dis-ease in life is, I encourage you to write it a love letter everyday for a week. You will be surprised to see what can manifest from it.

(c) 2011 Ebony Larijani

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