Friday, February 22, 2013

One Word Is Enough

The restoration of man from the bondage of sin to the liberty of the children of God through the satisfactions and merits of Christ...

There are lost souls seeking something
giving nothing and still wanting something
lost souls are seeking nothing
gaining something
yet understanding nothing
lost souls are lost
not in travel for a correct route
but in mind
in soul
in love
in purity
lost souls are hiding
lost souls are on the rise
lost souls are in the sheets of lust
they are in the stores of shopping with greed
they are in the tunnel of dim vision
I have never seen the sun shine in a tunnel
yet we think this vision is light
lost souls are in the mind
thought of often
and yet walked past
lost souls text the text
and respond with text
lost souls drive in
to spin out and remain on the swerve
of a dotted line
lost souls read what isn't meant to be read
feeling spell corrected and mislead
lost souls zombie the dark
made up to make-up the spot light
lost souls are answering to guilty
and freedom keeps ringing them
lost souls are speaking truth
and laying to lie
lost souls are in the children
broken parents and spit-full words
lost souls are in the churches
in the stands, in their stands they sit
lost souls are on the edge of a jump
a leap, as if we need to be strong enough to conquer
lost souls need nothing
lost souls need not build strength
lost souls have one word
and that one word is enough

(c) since 2011 Ebony Larijani

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