Sunday, July 29, 2012

Decorate, Create and Manifest

I took a shoe box, decorated it, created something meaning and I'm patient in the manifest. The inside of the box is split into two with cardboard, there are two holes on either side of the box. Every day I place money in it. I'm not keeping track, but God is. Every time I roll up a bill and place it inside I keep my eyes closed so I don't know if its 1.00, 5.00, 10.00, 20.00, 50.00. I just know its going inside and as I place it in I ask God that he 3 fold and bless. What I am saving for I would like to keep private, but its something with a lot of meaning to me and my family.

Your probably thinking "what's wrong with a Savings Account". Well, I can't decorate it, I can't sit with it in my lap in prayer and it isn't placed in my daily view. And it is a fact, what you see you focus on.

(c) 2011 Ebony Larijani

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