In Honduras they believe that the best coffee is shade-grown coffee, for it is less bitter. Yes, I am about to relate our Proverbs 31 Woman to coffee, especially since we have read how positively withdrawn and shaded she remained. There is a difference between hiding and being shaded. Communication is very important in all areas of life. If we are hiding what can we communicate? We speak to people we love and we speak to people we at times do not like. What we ignore or hide from only produces more damage and therefore pushes us deeper into a hole becoming more hidden. Who will dig you out once you fall too deep?
Be like coffee if you must, shade-grown coffee that is and you will be like Proverbs 31. Grow in the shade unconcerned with what others think, but respectful to yourself and them. Communicate your feelings whether they be up or down, but be respectful in doing so. Do not hide in the dark of guilt, hate, envy, jealousy, resentment or fear. The devil roams in those places and your mind becomes drawn to his attention.
What a delightful breeze we get in the shade. What a soft touch of falling leaves we can giggle at. What beautiful sight we can gaze upon. What a restful place we can remain strong and grow confident in our spiritual walk.
Sip your shade-grown coffee ladies and be as heavenly soft as Proverbs 31.
(c) 2011 Ebony Larijani
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