Sunday, October 14, 2012

Proverbs 31 Woman, Day 30

We made it, day 30. Did you read over the verses? Did they speak to you? A lot of instructions, yes? Did you worry you weren't living right? Did you feel amazed by how great you are doing? Did anything relate to things now? Did you script about anything? Were you amazed how life is broken down for you, no matter what situation you are in. Family, Marriage, Finance, Health, Beauty, every thing had title and instruction.

Proverbs 31 Woman, I pray you rest in your awareness of whom you are. I pray you can lay with yourself and rest in the feeling of Gods arms. I pray you succeed in finding your truth each time you lie in fear.

Proverbs 31 Woman are you still in the off balance of life? Are you harmless in the harmful fire of life's weapon? Can you cry when you need to hold everything together? Can you walk away when you feel the need to stay? Can you laugh in the face of silent fear? Can you feed the homeless child that doesn't belong to you? Can you forgive the pain that cut and left you to bleed? Can you pick flowers in the rain and still be in awe? Can you smile at the success of your worst enemy? Will you speak truth even when the truth will tempt your pride? Are you eager to find yourself every day over and over again in complete loss after each daily finding? Are you able to love what you hate? Are you able to look straight at what you love? Are you prepared to prepare meals for nourishment? Can you give up what we shall not want/have?

Some of the things I thought about while reading the different verses.

"I am a woman
created and mastered
without the mass of destruction
I think I may be found
without the finding of being loss
I think at times I know home
no earth know spiritual
pleasing to thy self
honest in all
confident in the walk
constructed, not constricted
armed, loved, woven in wool
warmth, cool and just to the soul
dependent on
dependent of
giving, nurturer
unleashed of future hold
current in moments time
does time exist
past all the passive
daughter of The Father
smile of the wind
mirror of reflection
whole in vision"

(c) 2011 Ebony Larijani

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