Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. I had to meditate and ask God to clear my mind after reading this verse. Did it mean I am better then the next woman, was it a competition statement? Then God said to me, "I am speaking to all women who read my word, so yes, you are more spiritual then the woman who does not read and understand my word".
These spoken words from God reminded me of why I am currently writing my second poetry book and basing it off of the definition of words. Words are so easily misused. How would you feel if a woman told you "I'm better then you"? Ladies, lets be honest now when I ask you this, lol. Now answer how would you feel if a woman sat you down and explained to you, reading your bible daily and meditating on Gods word will help you in life. Things will start to change in your life that you would never believe, God will do the supernatural and miracles won't fear you because you know they are possible and they happen daily. Meditating under the moon, giggling at the fluttering leaves, raising your children off prayer alone, guiding your husband by speaking to God. Rising in the morning with a smile on your face excited about what is in store for your day, because you and God already planned it.
Now I repeat the verse again, many women do noble things. We all can rise, fall, fight, laugh, cry, grow, shrink, etc. We do noble things, we feed our children, we work two jobs, we clean, cook, lift up our friends and watch our enemies fall. BUT YOU, surpass them all. The Godly woman only knows to live for God, so she rises, but does not fall, she may drift but never fall because God holds her. She doesn't fight, God fights for her, she laughs, she cries to God, she grows, God allows no shrinkage. She cooks, cleans, praises and witness's to her friends, she prays for her enemies and even helps them rise. God is saying "YOU whom follows me, surpasses them all.
We will never be perfect, we shouldn't try to be. But we should always be walking in our natural state which is love to all for all. Nothing exists without love, nothing is successful without love, nothing is forgiven without love, nothing can be found, without love.
Be noble women and surpass them all...
(c) 2011 Ebony Larijani
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