She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. This woman literally clothed her family with wool, flax and eager hands. How beautiful to look at your family and see them clothed in your works. They did not rush to stores to stand in lines and be the first to purchase an item that is highly priced and no doubt worn to increase self confidence. I am sure she was not eager to stitch jeans that hung off the butt of her sons, nor did she stitch garments that revealed her daughters precious body.
I remember when I felt like I had an addiction to VSPink cloths. I had every item in the stores yet I would still go back to the store looking for something new to buy and frustrated that I had it all. As I began to review myself I took some time away from the store and I ventured into thrift stores. I remember leaving out the thrift store spending the cost of one shirt from VS on 5 items. I took the rest of my money and donates it. Yes, I still like VS but I have cut back on the desire to have everything.
I encourage you to seek through your closets and your children's closets. How are you living? Are you living a flashy lifestyle making material things your center. Are you living in the lower class and can't afford to cloth your children? Either way I encourage you to pray for your flax and wool and be eager with your hands.
(c) 2011 Ebony Larijani
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