Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. I know this does not mean that she buys her husband everything so he is valuable. No, this value is speaking more deeply. This value is preciousness, this value is Proverbs 31 Woman. She is valuable to her husband so he lacks nothing that he needs in his wife. He has everything he needs through her should he lack something of his own.
To have confidence in someone else means you have confidence in yourself. Imagine how powerful they must be together. Two valuable persons with confidence that nothing shakes them, nothing makes them unbalanced. I imagine them looking each other in the eye and knowing their worth and their responsibility to each other.
Does the man in your life have this trait in him when he approaches you, does he value you? Is he confident with himself so he may be confident in you? Are you giving this demand out through your own actions of what you deserve?
If I were to turn on the radio to today's top Rap songs I do not hear confident men rapping and I believe that is why their words are degrading woman.
(c) 2011 Ebony Larijani
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